#30DaysWild is The Wildlife Trusts’ annual ‘get connected with nature’ challenge, inviting everyone to experience nature in some little way every day throughout June.
Starting where others end
I’m starting my 30 days of engaging with nature - in Stoke cemetery.
Even before I moved back to Stoke-on-Trent in the spring of 2021 I knew I’d be visiting this place a lot. I’d explored it on satellite view in Google maps. It looked like an oasis, mature trees, bordered by bushes, with areas of long grass left for nature. And, it’s just ten minutes walk away from the house I’ve ended up renting. I walk through the cemetery most days, today I took my camera too.
Five minutes in, I got fixated on Speckled Wood butterflies, Pararge aegeria.
“The range of this butterfly contracted during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries but has spread back since the 1920s. It has continued to spread over the past two decades, recolonizing many areas in eastern and northern England and Scotland.” Butterfly Conservation
It’s good to read that the status of this population is healthy.
Stoke cemetery is sure to feature in more of my #30DaysWild postings, there’s always something worth slowing down for.
Here’s a couple more pics I’ve taken there in the last week or so.
Thanks for now.
Contact me anytime: hello@jeromew.news